Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gem stone jewelry Identify Us

The other day at the airport while arranging an airline ticket I noticed the agent's lovely amethyst bracelet, necklace, earrings. I confidently asked her what day in February her birthday was on? How could I ask with such confidence? Because anyone who loved amethyst this much certainly had a February birthday...as I do. It caused a lively conversation and a friend was made.
Women enjoy identifying themselves with their Gem stone jewelry. But how did they come about? What started this fun activity?
Are you familiar with jewelry? Hong Kong's jewelry is famous in the world of jewelry wholesale. Each year, many jewelry shows are held in HK. Guangzhou City in South China become Hong Kong's largest jewelry manufacturing base in the mainland as many Hong Kong jewelry makers have moved to the area in an effort to find low cost and skillful craftsmen. In Guangzhou you can find what you need you can find freshwater pearl beads, cheap pearl strands, pearl necklace, cultured pearl bracelet, cultured pearl ring, cheap pearl earing, sterling silver jewelry, wholesale pearl pendant to meet your taste.
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